100% Donation Policy

All funds are gathered in the UK and distributed to countries where needed.
Human Relief Mission provides funding for regional, global, and local organisations. Providing emergency help, clean water, food, clothing, and shelter in disaster-stricken nations all over the world will set up sustainable development where the beneficiaries can be skilled and have a means of earning an income. 

Human Relief Mission is aware of the significance of Amanah as well as the accountability and responsibility it entails. We take great satisfaction in being totally open and honest, and we provide you updates from the minute you donate until we finish the project you have funded.  

Please specify the charitable purpose(s) you would like your donation to be applied to when making a donation through the website or by bank transfer; these donations are treated as restricted money. In the event a donation is unreferenced, the trustees will use the funds for a project at their discretion.
Human Relief Mission has a 100% donation policy. We operate under the direction of the Charity Commission and religious leaders to make sure that donations are made in accordance with both Islamic and UK charitable regulations. Gift Aid and designated donations for administration are excluded from this.

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