Frequently Asked Question

Frequently Asked Questions

At Al-Mouwasat, we are committed to transparency, accountability, and making a positive impact on the communities we serve.

We understand that you may have questions about how to get involved, where your donations go, and the tax implications of supporting our cause. Below, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to provide you with the information you need to support our mission.

If you have any additional inquiries or would like to learn more about our work, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for your interest in joining us on this journey towards creating lasting change.

How does HRM cover its administration costs?

Donations designated for our admin costs pay for all the charity's operating expenses. The gift aid programme which allows taxpayers to boost the value of their donation by 25%, allows Human Relief Mission to cover its expenses and maintain our 100% donation policy. Funds acquired from recycling clothes are also used for Admin costs.

Does HRM only help Muslims?

Human Relief Mission provides humanitarian aid to anyone in need regardless of their race, religion, faith, or gender.

Human Relief Mission also works alongside local councils and other community groups in helping distribute food and winter clothing packs to the homeless in areas around the UK.

Are you a UK registered Charity?

Yes. Human Relief Mission was first registered with the Charity Commission in 2015. Our UK charity number is 1160380.

Do you operate on a 100% Donation Policy?

Human Relief Mission operates on a 100% Donation Policy. We operate under the direction of the Charity Commission and religious teachings to make sure that donations are made in accordance with both Islamic and UK charitable regulations. All donations received are spent solely for what they were intended for.

Gift Aid, designated donations for administration and funds received through recycling clothes are excluded from this.

Do I get a receipt for my donation?

- Yes. When making an online donation, you will receive an automatic email receipt if you have provided your email address. If you donate at our main office, our team will issue a paper receipt

Can I see your accounts?

Yes. All our accounts are submitted to the charities commission on an annual basis. You can view the accounts by visiting the charities commissions website.

If you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to contact us.