Al-Mouwasat Orphanage

Sponsor an Orphan in Afghanistan - £100 per month

Help transform the lives of children in Afghanistan by sponsoring an orphan.

Al-Mouwasat Orphanage

Is there a need for an orphanage in Afghanistan?

The ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan have left numerous children without the care and protection of their parents. Whether due to the direct consequences of war, health-related issues, or economic struggles, these children face a situation that demands immediate attention. An orphanage would offer a safe and supportive environment where children can find stability, emotional well-being, and a chance for a brighter future.

One of the primary functions of an orphanage in Afghanistan is to ensure the basic needs of these children are met. From providing nutritious meals to offering a secure place to sleep, these programs act as a foundation for the well-being of orphaned children. Moreover, they prioritise both local and Islamic education, breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering children with the skills necessary for a more promising tomorrow.

In a country where the psychosocial impact of conflict is palpable, orphan programs offer essential support. Through counselling services and activities that promote mental health, these programs address the emotional resilience of children who have experienced loss and upheaval. This focus on holistic well-being contributes to the overall development of the children and helps them navigate the challenges they may face.

While orphan programs play a crucial role, there is a broader goal of community integration. These initiatives work towards creating pathways for children to eventually transition into the community or, when suitable, find permanent homes through adoption or foster care. The aim is to restore a sense of belonging and familial connection for every child.

The success of orphan programs in Afghanistan is also bolstered by global support and advocacy efforts. These initiatives raise awareness about the unique needs of Afghan orphans and garner resources to ensure the quality of care provided. International collaboration contributes to the strengthening of legal and regulatory frameworks that protect the rights of these children, fostering an environment of accountability and improved standards of care.

In the face of adversity, Afghanistan's orphan programs stand as testament to the resilience of a nation committed to securing a better future for its children. Through a comprehensive approach that addresses immediate needs while paving the way for long-term solutions, these programs empower orphaned children with the tools to overcome challenges and thrive in a society that values their well-being and potential.

Importance of sponsoring an orphan child in Islam

Helping to care for orphans and vulnerable children is a duty for Muslims. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) emphasised the status of orphans, and the importance of fulfilling their needs.

We are inspired by the status Islam place on vulnerable orphans, it stands as the perfect means for carrying out the Prophetic guidance.

Children are a gift from Allah, and a trust, or Amanah – to be cared for and nurtured in the best possible way.


…the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise…

Hadith | Sahih al-Bukhari


Please note: Donations made on this page will be allocated to our Orphanage fund. This project is catered to the local community in Afghanistan with the aim to save and transform lives.