Sponsorship Programme


Orphan Sponsorship Programs

Our Orphan Sponsorship Program plays a vital role in transforming the lives of vulnerable children and contributing to the overall well-being of communities in countries all over the world. In many of these regions, children often face the harsh realities of poverty, lacking access to necessities and educational opportunities. The Orphan Sponsorship Program seeks to address these challenges by providing essential support to orphaned children.

By sponsoring an orphan through Human Relief Mission, donors make a direct impact on a child's life, ensuring access to proper nutrition, education, healthcare, and a nurturing environment. The program not only meets the immediate needs of these children but also empowers them with the tools to break the cycle of poverty. Education becomes a key focus, offering orphans the chance to build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.


The Prophet ﷺ said: “I and the one who sponsors an orphan shall be in Paradise like these two” – he raised his index finger and the one next to it, holding them together

Hadith | Sahih al-Bukhari


Beyond individual impact, the Orphan Sponsorship Program contributes to the broader development of societies. It fosters community resilience by investing in the well-being and education of its youth. The program acts as a catalyst for positive change, demonstrating how targeted support can uplift not only individual lives but entire communities.

Hafiz Sponsorship

The aim of our Hafiz Sponsorship Program is to support the spiritual and educational pursuits of children who want to become Hafiz. In many Muslim-majority countries, financial challenges often create barriers to individuals who want to memorise the Quran. This program addresses these challenges by helping students committed to this most rewarding and honourable cause.

Beyond individual impact, supporting the Hafiz Sponsorship Program contributes to the cultural and spiritual enrichment of Muslim communities. These dedicated memorizers of the Quran become ambassadors of Islamic knowledge, playing a significant role in fostering a deeper understanding of the faith within their societies. The program, therefore, becomes a catalyst for the dissemination of Quranic wisdom and spirituality.

Sponsoring a Hafiz is not only a noble charity but an investment into the Muslim Ummah.

Widow Sponsorship Program

Human Relief Mission Widow Sponsorship Program – a beacon of hope and empowerment for vulnerable widows in need. At Human Relief Mission, we firmly believe that no widow should ever have to face the challenges of life alone. That's why we have started working on projects to provide support and financial assistance to those who have lost their partners and find themselves in difficult circumstances.

Our Widow Sponsorship Program aims to uplift and empower these women by offering them a lifeline during their time of need. Your support will not only provide them with much-needed financial assistance but also offer them hope for the future.

By sponsoring a widow, you are helping break down barriers and ensuring that no widow has to struggle to survive. Together, we can create a world where every widow has access to resources and opportunities that enable them to rebuild their lives with dignity.

Our Current Sponsorship Projects

Explore more of our sponsorship projects in Afghanistan.


What does Quran say about helping orphans?

The Qur’an emphasises the importance and reward of caring for orphans, as well as fulfilling their rights, and protecting their dignity.

This is stated in the following Ayah’s of the Holy Qur’an:


"They ask you, [O Muhammad], what they should spend [in charity]. Say, “Whatever you spend of good is [to be] for parents and relatives and orphans and the needy and the traveller. And whatever you do of good - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it."

Qur'an | 2:215


Particular attention is made to the importance of giving orphans their rightful property and possessions.

Indeed, those who devour the property of orphans unjustly are only consuming into their bellies fire. And they will be burned in a blaze (i.e. Hellfire)” [4:10].

“And give to the orphans their properties and do not substitute the defective [of your own] for the good [of theirs]. And do not consume their properties into your own. Indeed, that is ever a great sin” [4:2].

The verses above indicate the high importance Allah has placed on us in taking care of orphans and that spending on them is one of the greatest forms of good deeds.

Sponsorship Programme

For 1 in 5 children worldwide living in extreme poverty, simple necessities and rights are out of reach. Instead, their life is incredibly challenging, with the risk of illiteracy, disease, child labour, lifelong poverty and even death. You can change this, donate now.


Please note: Donations made on this page will be allocated to our Sponsorship Programme fund that is used to deliver a range of different sponsorships such as the examples showcased above. These programmes can and will be delivered in any of the countries where Human Relief Mission has a presence, and those projects are catered to the local community with the aim to save and transform lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are my donations used?

At Human Relief Mission, we follow a 100% donation policy, ensuring every penny of your donation directly aids those in need. Your contributions fund emergency relief appeals as well as food security projects, water aid projects, health services and sponsorship programs.

We also support community development with our income generation projects and other programs. We ensure transparency through regular audits, media feedback, and open communication with donors.

What projects is Human Relief Mission currently sponsoring?

We provide emergency relief worldwide, including food, water, shelter, and medical care in crisis zones. We support educational programs by sponsoring students in schools and giving them the right equipment they need. We build wells and water filtration systems to ensure safe drinking water.

Livelihood development projects offer skills training and income generating projects such as vending carts. We also construct community infrastructure such as masjids, homes, bakeries and orphanages. Additionally, we run advocacy campaigns promoting human rights, health, and education awareness, aiming for lasting, positive impacts.