Afghanistan Appeal

Afghanistan Emergency Appeal

Afghanistan Emergency Appeal

Afghanistan is in the midst of a severe humanitarian crisis, with over 29 million people in urgent need of assistance due to extreme hunger, political instability, and devastating natural disasters. Organizations like Human Relief Mission are providing critical support, but significant global intervention is urgently needed to address the escalating needs and aid in recovery efforts.

Afghanistan is currently facing one of the most severe humanitarian crises in the world, with millions of people struggling to survive under the weight of extreme hunger, poverty, unemployment, and malnutrition . In 2024, more than 29 million people in the country are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance

The situation has been exacerbated by ongoing political instability and the impact of natural disasters, which have caused the collapse of essential services . Access to healthcare, clean water, education, and food has become increasingly limited, leaving millions of civilians, especially children, in life-threatening situations

Children are the most vulnerable, with many already succumbing to malnutrition and disease as the crisis deepens . One of the most devastating blows to the Afghan people has been a series of earthquakes that struck the country in the autumn of 2023

These earthquakes have not only taken lives but also destroyed thousands of homes, leaving entire communities homeless and in dire need of help . Around 40,000 people have been directly affected, losing their homes, livelihoods, and access to basic resources like food, clean water, and healthcare

The aftermath has left these communities even more vulnerable as winter approaches, and many are living in makeshift shelters with little protection from the harsh conditions . The return of more than 450,000 Afghans from Pakistan has further strained Afghanistan’s already overwhelmed humanitarian infrastructure

Following recent developments, a large number of Afghan nationals have crossed back into their homeland . Many of these individuals and families are returning to a country where they face significant challenges, including the lack of shelter, food, and clean water

These returnees are often arriving in communities already struggling to meet basic needs, intensifying the pressure on limited resources . Human Relief Mission is on the ground in Afghanistan, working tirelessly to respond to the growing needs of the Afghan people

We are providing life-saving support in the form of food, water, emergency shelter, and medical care to those affected by the earthquakes and the returning families . Our teams are coordinating with local partners and other humanitarian organisations to reach the most vulnerable, including women, children, and the elderly, ensuring that they receive the assistance they need to survive

However, the scale of the crisis requires a sustained, collective effort . Human Relief Mission is appealing for global solidarity to help provide critical relief to millions of Afghans who are at risk

The needs are vast, and the window for preventing further loss of life is closing fast . Support is urgently needed to ensure that humanitarian aid reaches those in need, particularly as winter conditions threaten to worsen the already dire situation

In addition to immediate relief, longer-term efforts are needed to help rebuild communities and restore livelihoods in Afghanistan . Human Relief Mission is committed to supporting recovery and resilience by working with local partners to restore basic services, such as healthcare, education, and access to clean water

By empowering communities to rebuild, we can help them recover from the current crisis and become more resilient to future challenges

Afghanistan Appeal



Afghanistan Appeal



Afghanistan Emergency Appeal

Afghanistan is in the midst of a severe humanitarian crisis, with over 29 million people in urgent need of assistance due to extreme hunger, political instability, and devastating natural disasters. Organizations like Human Relief Mission are providing critical support, but significant global intervention is urgently needed to address the escalating needs and aid in recovery efforts.

Please note: Donations made on this page will be allocated to our Food fund that is used to deliver a range of different food projects such as the examples showcased here. These programmes can and will be delivered in any of the countries where Al-Mouwasat has a presence, and those projects are catered to the local community with the aim to save and transform lives.